Saturday, February 28, 2015

Aurilla Sperry Chappell - Pictures of Friends and Family in Nephi

 The following are pictures that belonged to Aurilla and were handed down to her granddaughter, Betty Chappell Sawyer.  The captions are the notes that were found on each picture.

Sarah Sperry, Grandfather's Sister

Back of picture Sarah Sperry Grandfather's Sister

Robert Pope

Reta Sperry

Post Card to Mother
Back of Post Card to Mother

Post card from Gladys, Burdett and George
Back of card from Gladys, Burdett and George

Nephi Plaster Co

Mrs. Perry Tolley

Mary Hoyt

Lola Sperry

Leslie, Homer,  and Wallace Sidwell

Lafe Sperry

Julia Sperry wife of Billy Sperry

Jack Sperry Pace

Homer 1902

Gretta Sperry
Aunt Soph  and home.  Saddie, Retta, Fen, Don

Rebecca Wilson

Gid Wilson

George Sperry

Charles Leavitt

Becca Sperry

Aunt Sophi's mother

Aunt Sophi's mother, Mr. and Mrs. Mynders
Back of picture - Aunt Sophi's Mother

Aunt Ella
Aunt Ella Cazier

Alean Sperry
Uncle Asa and Family

Asa Sperry

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